The Travel Packing List

A photo through the window of a bus on a rainy day at Amsterdam airport

Travel disappeared from all our lives in 2020 and for nearly 2 years it seemed like the world was forever changed, but the more things change the more they stay the same and since late last year I’ve travelled A LOT for work. I enjoy it, meeting people we work with all over the world, making friends, progress and photos as I go.

I’m on a constant quest to reduce and refine my travel prep and setup so this is my current list of travel tasks and things to pack. If you have suggestions I would love to hear them!

  1. If you can, only pack carry on - it makes life a lot easier and you can move fast.

  2. Cut your nails - there’s nothing worse than getting somewhere and your nails are too long.

  3. Get the bags out you’re going to use during the week before you travel and start to put stuff in as you think of it.

  4. Check the weather.

  5. Pack swim shorts/ bathing wear - I owe Van Neistat for this one. You can use them as spare underwear, you can go swimming if you’re invited, they can be shorts, they serve a lot of functions.

  6. Check if you have usable currency for where you’re going - we keep it in an envelope next to the passports

  7. Your passport! And you drivers licence, just in case.

  8. Do you need/ have any keys or passes?

  9. Sunglasses.

  10. A waterproof you can fold up and pack down super light.

  11. A camera - it gives you something to do, something to hold that isn’t staring at your phone, and it makes you look at the world and take things in.

  12. A notebook - I like to collect receipts and tickets and stuff, glue them in a little notebook and enjoy them later.

  13. Music and headphones.

  14. A power supply where you can swap the ends - I use the Apple one, it’s a great way to slim down your tech bag … which leads nicely to …

  15. A gadget bag - well worth having to keep all your bits together.

  16. Leave room for presents!


I get hung up on making Art


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